Italy follows a principle of nationality law called jure sanguinis. This means “right of blood” in Latin. Most importantly, it means that if you have an Italian ancestor in your family tree, you may be eligible for Italian citizenship by descent!

Italy is a member of the European Union (EU). This means that if you get Italian citizenship, you can also enjoy the freedom to live, work, or travel freely through 27 other EU countries, plus 3 European Economic Area (EEA) countries and Switzerland. The EU may also expand in the future, giving you access to more countries.


To claim Italian citizenship by descent, you need to prove that your Italian ancestor passed their citizenship to you through the bloodline.

The most important criteria are:

  • Your Italian ancestor did not leave Italy before 1861, when Italy became a unified country.

  • Your Italian ancestor did not become a citizen of another country before July 1912, when Italy changed its citizenship law to recognize birth right citizenship via jus soli.

  • The next person in your direct line was born before your Italian ancestor became a citizen of another country.

  • The next person in your direct line was 21+ or married when their Italian parent became a citizen of another country.

  • Your family line was all male until 1948, because Italian women could not pass on their citizenship until January 1st 1948.

If you meet the above criteria, you are able to schedule an Italian consulate appointment or fly to Italy to have your citizenship recognized. No attorney is necessary, and there are no Italian language requirements.

If you have a female ancestor in your line who was not married to an eligible male, you may fall into a category known as a “1948 Case.” As a 1948 case, you are still eligible to claim citizenship, however, you must hire an Italian attorney to petition the government on your behalf. There are no Italian language requirements for 1948 cases.


If you’ve been able to determine you qualify for Italian citizenship, or if you need help determining your eligibility, we have partnered with a team of genealogists who can help! Now Citizens specialises in dual Italian citizenship. They can trace your family line, gather every document necessary for you to prove you’re eligible, determine a recognition strategy, and more.

If you need a little more help determining if you qualify, take their free eligibility quiz!